Sunday, November 15, 2009

Holden and his bath

Well Chris walked in from being at a stake meeting and heard Holden down the hall. He turned to see he was in the bath and started laughing. I was in the chair and I turned to him and asked "Do I even want to know?" his reply was "Probably Not." This is what we saw. Well he looks innocent but those of you who know him knows he is not, definitely not.

Enjoying his toys and left over movie popcorn from the night before. You can imagine how soggy it is now.
Poor Woody needs to be attached back to his body and all I can think of is I get to be the lucky one to clean up after him.

Stay tuned for pictures that I took after walking into my room and finding a shaving cream mess all over my bathroom floor, mirror and counter. Oh I will make it through this child.


Mark and Kellie said...

Atta boy, Holden. Keep your parents young!

Mom G said...

You have some blackmail photos now! What a character - glad he is yours!

Chelsi said...

Just when you think they can't come up with anything new... I know that he and Gracie are little soul-twins. Their minds work the same way.

Steve and Kim said...

Oh, so cute though!