A new blog from the Gibson's, can you believe it!? Don't hold your breath though, we're not as talented or devoted as many of you in keeping our blog updated.
Some of you may remember me having a goal of doing 100 pushups on my 40th birthday a few years ago. I was able to do so but just barely, unfortunately we didn't think about getting it on video. Well, for the last few years, I haven't been able to hit 100 pushups on my birthday because of a combination of shoulder pain and general laziness. As a result, I was even more determined to make it to 100 on my 44th birthday a week and a half ago. I started training for this back in March because believe it or not, you don't get stronger as you get older and challenges like this become increasingly more difficult.
Anyway, Krissy encouraged me to post this video so feel free to watch if I haven't bored you to tears already. Incidentally, I'm not able to touch my chest to the floor, nor am I able to extend my arms all the way up because of my bad elbow. I haven't decided if that makes a pushup easier or more difficult.
We hope everyone had a wonderful conference weekend. We thoroughly enjoyed all sessions and I was able to take my nephew Chance to the Priesthood session last night. Krissy claims she will write an extended blog soon (anyone want to place a bet on that? :)) so I'll keep me comments short. We look forward to seeing many of you in Utah County for Thanksgiving.
Do people still blog?
10 years ago
Dad remarks:
Well done, Son, especially with that elbow of yours! I always enjoy observing how that kind of drive generalizes to other areas of one's life. It is a gift to cherish. In the meantime, I think I'll stick to my thirty.
So only 100 huh? :-) For me, it's all about quality, not quantity. I can do 5 or 6 absolutely perfect push-ups. I think that's all that matters, don't you?
Wow! Way to go! Natalia was actually trying to do pushups the other night (she saw it on a show) and it was quite comical. She said, "This is hard!" So, we both have a lot of respect for 100, especially with that elbow!
Nice job!!! We're hoping for our own personal showing at Thanksgiving!
maybe I'll shoot for 40 pushups on my 40th birthday? I'll be lucky to get 4 at the rate I'm going :) time to start training!
Made me out of breath just watching this! That's awesome!!! :0)
I found this online but it doesn't say how many he did. I was there and helped count and think it was 100. Keep going, Chris, you may be president ob BYU sometime!
[President Ernest Wilkinson does push-ups at a basketball game while Cosmo encourages him, March 2, 1964]
Wow! 100?! At your age?! Just kidding- Chris, that's awesome! You have always been so competative- and doing it with your elbow is even more challenging! Pretty good compared to my 5. :) Maybe I'll work up to 6 one of these days- but I could never dream of doing 100! It was so fun to see a post again too! Love the updated photos and we would love to see you guys again at Thanksgiving! How about a push up competition between all the guys that weekend? Well, maybe not- Dustin might kill me for suggesting this... :)
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