Merry Christmas from Saint George!
Krissy has been very sick for the last couple of days and has spent much of that time worshipping the porcelain God (believe me, it's NOT what you think) so as a matter of default, I've been drafted into writing our family Christmas letter. It's probably been a good three or four years since we last put any significant effort into writing a Christmas letter so it's long overdue.
As you an see, I've attached a slide show which should give you a good idea of what we've been up to over the last month or so. Needless to say, Disneyland was the highlight of our holiday season (everyone but mine that is). While I enjoy a good roller coaster ride as much as the next guy, I was NOT looking forward to the crowds and lines at Disneyland. I was still recovering from our last Disney adventure a couple of years ago. Much to my surprise however, the lines weren't half bad. This, coming from a guy who hates standing behind two people at Albertson's is saying a lot.
The kids had a wonderful time as we knew they would. Sloanie was still traumatized from not going through Minnie Mouse's house during our last trip so she was DETERMINED to meet Minnie this time. She was disappointed when we didn't make her house our first stop but not wanting to cause my daughter the same distress I experienced by not being allowed to climb up the statue of Liberty as a child (just kidding Mom:), right around lunch time she and I made a special trip over to Toon town. Unfortunately Minnie was not there. I asked one of the workers if the reason she wasn't there was because she and Mickey were having marital difficulties but I was assured that wasn't the reason. We were however able to go through Minnie's house and Sloanie seemed satisfied.
The boys were antsy to go off by themselves and since they had their cell phone with them, we let them go ride Thunder Mountain fourteen times or whatever it was while we watched the parade. I guess you've really arrived as a dad when you realize that although you don't like parade's, you'd rather have your daughter on your shoulders (even though by then my shoulders, legs and feet were killing me) than go ride more roller coasters.
By the time evening came, it was quite cold (California cold) and drizzly. We also had two very tired kids (darn that Tevin and Chandler:) so we finally left a couple of hours before we had planned. All in all we had a great time although if we never went again, I'd be a happy man.
We've had another good year and I'm continually amazed at how rapidly time passes as I get older. It doesn't seem possible that another year has come and gone.
Krissy keeps herself as busy as anyone I know. She's the treasurer for the PTA at Sloane's school and is also a room mother for at least a couple of the kids. Additionally, since Sloane attends a charter school, Krissy and I are both obligated to volunteer 40 hours each per school year. So far I've put in about 5 hours while Krissy is right around 60. Krissy also runs a scrap book club and currently has 12 members. Once a month she is in charge of a party (no kegs involved), which thankfully is only held at our house once a year. She seems to really enjoy this challenge and also pulls in a few extra bucks each month as a result. She also serves as the activities chairperson in our ward which is an ideal calling for someone with her skillset. Overall it seems as if Krissy has experienced better health this year, this weekend notwithstanding.
Chandler is doing well in school again this year. Krissy and I really respect and admire Chandler for how hard he works. Chandler is such a good kid and is and always has been our peacemaker. He looks out for his siblings and as a rule, puts others first in almost everything he does. Chandler played corner back on his football team this year and although he was one of the smaller players, he showed no fear as he went against guys LITERALLY twice as heavy. His team did poorly but Chanman had a fun time and plans on trying out for the high school team next year. Chandler is also serving as the secretary in his deacon's quorum.
Tevin is.....well, Tevin is Tevin. He's such a good kid but Krissy and I continually need to remind ourselves that he's just 13 even though he could easily pass for 16 or 17. Tevin has definitely entered teenage hood. It's hard for me to understand what he's going through since I was such a perfect teenager (stop laughing Mom). Tevin is nothing like his twin brother. He's over a foot taller and weighs well over a hundred pounds more than Chandler. He's still trying to get used to that big body of his but all in all he's doing remarkably well. Tevin is also doing well in school and among other things, enjoys guitar lessons and the computer.
Harrison is our comic relief. He jokes and teases nonstop and Krissy rarely misses an opportunity to remind me that this is probably my fault. Harrison is doing exceptionally well in school and it's very important for him to do well. Kind of like me as a kid, right Mom & Dad? Harrison plays the Bass in his school orchestra which is easily a foot taller than he he is and it's pretty comical to see him try to lug that thing around. Harrison is already girl crazy and it's come to my attention just recently while at Disneyland that girls are crazy about him. I definitely noticed him getting looks from young teenage girls (while I got checked out by the senior citizens babes).
We are so grateful for our only girl Sloanie. She seems to have a calming effect on the boys, which is both amusing and necessary. Sloanie absolutely loves school and is doing remarkably well. The charter school she is attending is known for its rigorous curriculum so we were understandably worried when she began kindergarten in August but so far so good. She's learning things that the public schools don't teach until 1st and in some cases, 2nd grade so we feel very fortunate and blessed to have gotten her into this school.
Sloanie most defintely has her Daddy wrapped around her finger. We have a very close relationship which will hopefully continue as she get's older. Every Sunday after church she'll remind me that it's "Daddy and Sloanie time". So, while Mom and Holden nap, she and I hang out together.
Holden, I don't mind saying is the Lord's way of letting us know that our family is complete. He can be incredibly cute but he'll probably end up spending 4 or 5 years in the terrible two's. Much to my delight, Holden loves to play with balls. Given a choice between cars, stuffed animals or virtually anything else, he'll invariably choose a ball to play with. So, Krissy and I are hoping that he inherits her athletic ability and my determination with regards to sports, and NOT the other way around.
As for me, I continue to enjoy my business and the challenge it provides. It keeps me very busy as I'm always adding new products and making subtle and not so subtle changes to my business in order to stay competitive. I enjoy racquetball and lifting weights as I generally work out 4 or 5 times a week. And while I'd consider myself to be in good shape for a guy my age, I'm defintely a lot more creaky than I used to be. I'm also becoming much more a student of the gospel as I get older and I'm currently taking a continuing education course on the Old Testament. Most of all I enjoy my sweetheart and my family (Krissy is looking over my shoulder).
As a whole, we're doing very well and are enjoying Saint George immensely. During this time of year we are particularly grateful for our extended family as well as the gospel of Jesus Christ and the strength and hope that it provides.
We wish each of you a very merry Christmas and a happy new year.
The Gibson's
Do people still blog?
10 years ago
Great to hear the year's accomplishments from your perspective, Chris! You did a great job on the Christmas letter. We can't wait to see you all. Hope that Krissy has a good night and that it doesn't spread to the rest of the family. We will call tomorrow to see how she is doing. Glad you had a good day anyway. Love, M & D
Great letter, Chris!! I loved the part about the "senior citizen babes" checking you out. Good thing I'm so much younger than you so I don't have to worry about such things -- though getting any type of "babes" to check me out has always been a challenge.
Anyway, glad to hear from you guys. Hope Krissy gets better soon!
Great letter, Chris. It's fun to hear your perspective on things. We hope Krissy is doing better soon, poor thing. We'll hopefully see you tomorrow for lunch.
We love you guys!
I loved this letter- so fun to read about all your adventures in Chris' point of view! :) You gave great descriptions of the kids and it made me miss them all. Holden is a Braydon Junior and I think it's going to be interesting to see who ends up being a harder teenager. :) I think you do a fantastic job as a dad, Chris, and I admire your hard work and dedication to your family. I admire Krissy's active involvement in everything she does and what a great mom she is to FIVE kids. And, I believe that you secretly love Disneyland. Just a hunch... :)
Wow, I'm impressed Chris. I think Krissy should turn this writing thing over to you more often. We don't get to to enjoy that amazing sense of humor you have very often. (Does that move me up to the #1 favorite sister slot?!) Anyway, it was fun to read your summary on the kids especially. I am so glad you guys had a great trip to Disneyland. If you say the lines weren't half bad, they must have been GREAT!! Go Krissy, you were right!! We'll have to take good notes from you before we make a trip to Disneyland. And yes, I think you're in for a few (understatement) more trips to Disneyland. As long as you remain as positive and Mary Poppins-like as you did on this trip!! (Shoot, I think that just knocked me out of the #1 slot!!!)
FYI to Jill -- I've already got the #1 favorite brother locked up . . . so don't try to hone in on that territory!
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