OK as a lot of you know I am apart of a biggest loser contest. I have been at the same weight for 4 weeks now. I am not cheating on my food and I have been exercising 5 days a week and still no loss. I was in tears yesterday crying on Chris' shoulder. He made a comment that maybe the weight I am at will be what I need to stay out for the rest of my life or he said maybe I need to try something new besides weight watchers program. Anyone have any ideas that I might try? Sorry I consider a blog a place to vent sometimes.
Do people still blog?
10 years ago
I don't know about you - but I'm deciding to be happy with my current weight... slightly higher than my low - but certainly lower than my high... I can't keep stressing every day over what to eat anymore!
Hey Kris, maybe shaking things up might help. If you are doing the same workouts your body is not having to re-adjust. So come work out with me!!! I was gonna see if you wanna work out tomorrow. It's been a crazy week! I'll try to help you. I've been doing a diet analysis computer program that is working for me, as far as nutrition. Let me know what you wanna do...I'm here for ya! I know how frustrating it is.
Krissy, all I can say is that I've worked out hard for 30 minutes five to six mornings per week for a month -- and lost 1 pound. I think I have quite a bit more to lose than you as well. Oh well, at least it's doing my heart and cholesterol level some good. And my "six-pack" is the talk of the town! :-)
Krissy- I seriously do NOT think you need to worry. You look fabulous to me! I have never had much luck with diets and hate them. I have just found that if I don't worry or stress about it and just eat healthy, in moderation, and drink lots of water and ONLY water that I stay at the weight I want to be. I once had a doctor tell me that the more I worried about losing weight, the less likely it would happen. And I don't think numbers matter, I just think size and fitness matters. In the mean time, don't worry! I think our bodies change over time and I am planning on my metabolism slowing down in the next decade of my life... Sigh!
Krissy, we love you! You are a wonderful woman (and I stress the word woman)! Remember, we mature and with that comes a more mature body. You are joining the ranks of MOST of the women of the world. Those who look like models pay to look like that. Normal is normal!! Just know that you are great.
I've always been impressed by your eating habits - and now your exercising habits. Just think how healthy you are! Good luck - but I think you look great!!
Oh Kristelle I think you look FABULOUS!! And I truly mean it!! Maybe take a little break and go right back to it, my friend thinks that really works.Or maybe have some blood work done and see if your thyroid is off? Any ways you look great!!! Don't stress about it,as long as you are healthy that is all that matters.
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