Harrison is doing a lot better. He walks a lot better, but his toe is still kinda gross from the infection but we both can tell it is clearing up. We will give it another week and if we don't see a lot of difference then we will take him in again to the doctor.
OK...the little boy I am babysitting is VERY SPOILED!!! He is so good but when it comes to nap time he wants to be held when he sleeps and when I lay him down he screams. I can't hold him for 2 hours while he naps. The mother doesn't care if I let him cry to fall asleep but what is the time length to let him cry. My kids were always asleep after maybe 10 minutes. He goes longer than that. I check on him every 10 minutes to calm him down and then I leave again then he screams. Paige what would the super nanny do?? It is harder to know what to do when it is not your child.
Do people still blog?
10 years ago
Hard as it may be, he will have to learn to sleep without being held. Too bad you have to be the one to teach him. You will be doing his parents a HUGE favor if you can get him to go to sleep without screaming so long. The first few days will be awful. But he will learn - just put on some music in the other room and maybe use Chris' earplugs. Of course, you keep checking on him and even reassuring him now and then but don't give in!! It will be worth it. Good luck and let us hear how it is going.
That's always been tough for us. Especially if the other kids were trying to sleep. We didn't want the baby to scream too much and keep everyone awake. Since that's not an issue at your house during the day, it sounds like you just need to be a bit mean and let him scream. Going in there so much seems to be reinforcing the screaming. We keep putting the quarters in the slot machine for a long time if we get reinforced now and then. Anyway, that's my 2 cents. Good luck!! They're lucky to have such a good babysitter.
That's so hard. I wonder how he sleeps at home? Natalia will not sleep at Fabiola's house just because it is a strange place (she's never been good about sleeping in any other environment than her room at home). Luckily she is old enough to be able to survive without a nap (for the most part) so I don't push it on the babysitter.
I like Mark's advice. I agree though, too bad it has to be you to teach him! I wonder how he sleeps at home?
Okay, I really am not THAT obsessed with Supernanny :) but here is some advice on her website--I've seen her do different techniques than this one though. This kind of contradicts Mark's advice so who knows, try both and see what works!
If your baby cries when you place her in her crib, start the controlled crying technique:
Wait five minutes before going back to the room. Make your check brief and any interaction minimal. Don’t touch, pick her up, or cuddle her – simply say, “Mommy/Daddy is here, go to sleep” and then leave, even if he is still crying.If she’s still crying after 10 minutes, repeat the procedure.If she’s still crying after 15 minutes repeat the procedure and continue to repeat it every 15 minutes until she’s asleep.If she starts to quieten down, wait to see if she’s starting to settle to sleep – if you go in at this point you may disturb her. If she starts to cry loudly again, start your checking again.You’ll need to follow these steps every time your child wakes in the night – start your checking from five minutes after she stirs. If you apply the technique properly your child shouldn’t cry for much more than an hour and remember: you will be checking on her regularly if she does cry. Use the technique at nap time too.
Stick to the routine
Don’t give up – consistency is key because if you do fold you’ll be back at square one having made no progress at all. The first three nights will be gruelling, but after this you’ll see a considerable improvement. The point of this technique is to teach your baby how to sleep independently. If she’s waking constantly then she’s probably not getting the sleep she needs to grow and develop. The considerable benefits of getting that sleep – to both her and you – will out weigh any temporary discomfort."
Yay for Supernanny! Sounds just like the advice Dad has been giving people for years. VERY HARD to do when it is your own child though!! I am sure that Mark's advice is also sound. It is just going to take some time and some rattled nerves!! I am sure that he is disturbing Holden and that is very bothersome also. Good luck!
Hey . . . I'd go with the lady with the English accent. I think that's a prerequisite to giving sound advice. :-)
I really don't have the authoritative answer -- just stuff from off the top of my head.
Krissy, it's been so fun to read your blogs again! Sorry I'm behind on commenting. I love hearing your point of view and you are just a really cool sister-in-law that I've always admired. It sounds like you're earning your money for the little boy you babysit! Braydon is a lot like that little boy and is spoiled and doesn't like nap time. But the best thing Dustin taught me was to not give in and to let him cry for ten minutes or so and then walk in and reassure him and then let him cry again. It's probably hard when it's not your own child too and he probably is reacting to not having his mom there. Paige had some great tips too! I need her to come train me with Braydon! :) Anyway, I've sure enjoyed reading about your insights and I hope all is well. I'm so happy for Chris and his new calling. I'm sure it will be an awesome experience for him.
Hope all is well and I was sorry to hear about Harrison's toe. That sounds so painful! I hate it when I just stub my toe! Poor guy- give him hugs from us!
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